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Scottsdale Couple Working To Create Same-Sex Couple Barbie Wedding Set

It all started with an Instagram post! A Scottsdale couple made a post about wanting to get their nieces a Barbie wedding set with a same-sex couple like themselves so that they can help the girls practice for their roles as flower girls according to NBC12 News & AZFamily.

"Hi @Mattel! Happy Holidays. We had a difficult time finding a same sex wedding set to give to my niece for her 8th birthday. she and her little sister are flower girls in our upcoming May wedding. We thought it would be special to give her something with a little meaning behind it. What a bummer you don't make one with two grooms. Anyway, we had to get creative and make a couple purchases. I hope our custom gift inspires you to make a #GayWedding set."

They ended up making their own set for the girls.  Mattel who makes Barbies, reached out last week to set up a meeting soon. We cannot wait to see what comes of the meeting! 

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