Tim & Brooke

Tim & Brooke

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This Is How You Can Eat Whatever You Want This Holiday Season

Don't you feel like you start the new year at the gym or going through a weightloss program to work your way to the perfect bikini body later in the year just to eat whatever you want during the holidays?! It is a vicious cycle that happens every year but according to Taste Of Home and this nutritionist, you can eat whatever you want this holiday season by doing this!

"Research suggests that restricting certain foods causes you to think of them as a “reward,” which makes the desire to eat that food even greater. So, think about holiday cookies a little differently this year: Instead of swearing to yourself you won't have more than one, just go ahead and enjoy two or three at the festive party and end the last bite with a smile."

So restricting yourself causes more harm then good! 

- Enjoy eating something you love because again, if you restrict it, it won't help with the weight loss. Think about it, if you are craving something, you should listen to your body because maybe it's telling you it needs something!

- Enjoying treats for a few days won't hurt

- Let yourself know it is OKAY 

- Skip the diet talk for now

- Don't eat your feelings to cope with stress

It's called TREAT YOURSELF for a reason! 

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