Arizona Destination Named 'Most Boring Tourist Trap' In The State

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Arizona is full of beautiful scenery, fun attractions, exciting destinations and unique offerings that sets its apart from other states. However, some popular tourist spots may not be as great as you thought.

According to a list compiled by Far & Wide, the "most boring tourist trap" in all of Arizona is Tombstone, with its "claim to fame" being the gunfight at O.K. Corral. Of course, every person's experience will be different and while one visitor may be less than thrilled with the destination, another may find their new favorite attraction, so it is perhaps best to visit for yourself and come up with your own conclusion!

Here's what Far & Wide had to say about the attraction:

"The town of Tombstone is supposedly the quintessential example of the Old West American frontier, but there really isn't much to it — basically just an old theater and courthouse, some shops, and Wild West reenactments (which, to be fair, can be kind of fun). Tombstone claims to be where the Gunfight at O.K. Corral took place, but in reality that famous shootout happened at an empty lot nearby. Tourism is the only thing keeping Tombstone alive these days, but you're better off exploring the unmatched natural beauty of Arizona."

Check out the full list at to see the "most boring tourist trap" in each state. You can also see our previous coverage of the spot named the best "hidden gem destination" in Arizona.

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