News From The Bottom Of The Barrel: Rollercoasters Triggering iPhones

The newest iPhone has a cool feature called "Crash Detection" that can tell if you're in an accident and automatically call 911. But there's a minor glitch: Turns out it's been calling 911 for people on ROLLER COASTERS....   You've only got 20 seconds to cancel the call once it detects a crash. And obviously you're not checking your phone on a roller coaster, or might not hear the alarm go off. So yes, first responders HAVE responded to some of the calls..... AND In other news....A 65-year-old woman in Japan got scammed out of $30,000 by a guy who claimed he wanted to move there to be with her . . . but he was a Russian cosmonaut on the SPACE STATION and needed money to cover the "rocket costs" to get back to Earth.

Apple Holds Launch Event For New Products At Its Headquarters

Photo: Getty Images

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