Group handing out backpacks full of supplies to NYC's homeless

One group is handing out backpacks full of supplies to New York City’s homeless during the coronavirus pandemic

A group of New Yorkers is helping the homeless population with resources by handing out backpacks full of supplies during the coronavirus pandemic. Jeffrey Newman and Jayson Conner started a nonprofit called “Backpacks for The Street” two years ago. The two handed out bags full of food, water and toiletries to the homeless around the city.

"New York’s homeless are probably one of the most vulnerable communities out there and they're getting the least amount of help," Newman said to “Good Morning America.” "We've been out day and night providing as much COVID-19 supplies as we can on top of our normal stuff.”

Now the bags have masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfected wipes since the coronavirus outbreak.

"We got a call from someone at a shelter the other day who said no one there had a mask or gloves on because the shelter didn’t have any," Newman said to “GMA.” "Three people there had tested positive, so that really inspired us to scale up and get a move on.”

So far the whole team has delivered 1,200 backpacks in the last three weeks to people. The New York City Department of Social Services have reported at least 657 homeless in the city to have the coronavirus with 52 dead.

This story was originally published by Good Morning America.

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